ICSC 2009 - Proceedings Spatial Cognition and Action tag:w3.uniroma1.it,2005:fd60c8cc32745e029271946f3a5e1f71/proceedings Textpattern 2011-02-14T22:07:17Z Gianluca Stamerra gianluca.stamerra@gmail.com http://w3.uniroma1.it/icsc/2009/ Gianluca Stamerra 2008-08-22T08:59:38Z 2009-05-05T17:38:35Z Proceedings tag:w3.uniroma1.it,2008-08-22:fd60c8cc32745e029271946f3a5e1f71/5ff61200ee1033c0a09b6cba78a7fe82 Submissions will be blind-reviewed accordingly to the following criteria: technical/theoretical relevance; significance, clarity of presentation and originality. All the authors whose abstracts have been accepted may present a full paper for the inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Details of the procedure and format for submitting papers will be provided upon notification of abstract acceptance. Full papers and abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings CD-ROM, complete with ISBN. A selection of the best works will be considered for publication as full papers in Cognitive Processing – International Quarterly of Cognitive Science (Springer).

Format for Extended abstract
Extended abstract must be submitted by the 20th of May 2009. Extended abstract should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Reference formatted accordingly to the guidelines of Cognitive Processing. They are limited to a maximum of 2000 words (kindly note that extra words will be removed by the editorial staff). Only one table and one b/w figure are allowed (authors will be charged for color figures and exceeding tables).
