ICSC 2009 - Call For Papers Spatial Cognition and Action Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:07:17 GMT Call for papers Schedule
  • Abstract Deadline: April 5, 2009
  • Abstract Acceptation Notification: April 20, 2009
  • Abstract Acceptation Notification (Doctoral Colloquium only): May 4, 2009
  • Revised Short Abstracts Deadline: May 10, 2009
  • Early registration: May 15, 2009
  • Revised Extended Abstracts Deadline: May 20, 2009
  • Registration discount for other authors / reduced fee for participants: June 10, 2009

Doctoral Colloquium

The goal of the ICSC Doctoral Colloquium is to provide useful guidance either for the completion of the dissertation research or the starting of a research career. The Colloquium will provide an interactive forum either for doctoral students who have progressed far enough in their research to have an idea paper and a structured proposal, or for PhD doctors who have recently defended their thesis and want to communicate their main results. To apply, please submit a maximum three page description, covering the topics of the presentation defined below within the 20th of April 2009. Electronic submission of applications via email address is required ( will be notify within the 4th of May 2009.

Each accepted contribution will be allowed to publish an extended abstract (see section above) which will provide another opportunity for additional feedback and suggestions, contacts for further interaction, and experience in communicating with other professionals.

Each accepted presentation should covers the following
A two-minute overview stating the most critical issues of the research. A separate, 20-minute max description of the research, structured as follows:

Description of Purpose

-What problem, issue, or question does this research address?
-What limitations or failings of current understanding, knowledge, methods, or technologies does this research resolve?
-What is the significance of the problem, issue, or question?

Goal Statement

-What new understanding, knowledge, methods, or technologies will this research generate?
-How does this address the purpose of the work?


-What experiments, prototypes, or studies will be done to achieve the stated goal?
-How will achievement or contribution of the research be demonstrated or validated?

Format for Symposium Proposal

  • Convenors should provide by email ( a title and an abstract (250-500 words) of the proposed symposium along with a list of the talks included [authours, affiliations, title, and abstract (max = 250 words)]

Format for Submitted Abstracts

  • An e-mail should be sent to indicating in the object: ‘Abstract submission to ICSC 2009’, and including authors, affiliations, and an abstract of a maximum length of 250 words (please note that abstracts longer than 250 words will be returned to the authors to be shortened). Moreover, it should be indicated the preference for a talk or a poster presentation.

Format for Extended abstract

Extended abstract must be submitted by the 20th of May 2009. Extended abstract should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Reference formatted accordingly to the guidelines of Cognitive Processing. They are limited to a maximum of 2000 words (kindly note that extra words will be removed by the editorial staff). Only one table and one b/w figure are allowed (authors will be charged for color figures and exceeding tables).

]]> Mon, 25 Aug 2008 09:42:02 GMT Gianluca Stamerra,2008-08-25:fd60c8cc32745e029271946f3a5e1f71/f1ae93a88f5d9ec3dd09f3dca5922544