
Abstract submission for the 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2015) is now open and participation is encouraged.


Instructions for Abstract submission:

Please download the appropriate “Abstract Submission Form” and follow the instructions given on the Form:


Final Symposium Synopses

Convenors whose symposium proposal has been accepted are requested to download the “Symposium Submission Form” and to follow the instructions given on the Form:


Short papers:

After abstract acceptance authors may contribute a short paper either in .docx or .rtf format (max. 2500 words, including title, abstract and references). Submissions should be made to Short papers will be peer-reviewed and, if accepted, published with DOI in a supplement of Cognitive Processing – International Quarterly of Cognitive Science. Please refer to the journal’s ‘Instructions for Authors’ for details concerning formatting etc.


Submission deadlines

  • Abstracts of independent contributions (talks or posters): January 30, 2015
  • Abstracts of invited contributions to symposia: January 30, 2015
  • Final Symposium Synopses: January 30, 2015
  • Short papers: April 30, 2015

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